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Crane Electronics serves the needs of manufacturing industries for improved quality, safety, complete traceability and increased productivity, working alongside some of the world’s biggest brands across a host of industries including Automotive, Aerospace, Construction, Marine and Rail.  Crane provides flexible solutions along with a unique and individual service to every customer. With Crane’s product range covering torque wrenches, rotary torque transducers, static transducers, data collectors, torque testers and system software, we meet the requirements before, during and after the assembly operation. This enables tool capability assessment, process capability assessment and control, and process verification.

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Crane Electronics TorqueStar Family

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Crane Electronics IQVu Analyzer

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Crane Electronics OMS Software

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Crane Electronics Transducers

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Crane Electronics OMS Lite

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Crane Electronics WrenchStar Multi

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Crane Electronics IQW2 Wrench

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Crane Stationary Transducers

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Crane Electronics Joint Kits

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Crane Electronics Mobile Torque Cart

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Crane Electronics tJRS

Get a Quote

We support Crane Electronics in Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, and California.

Thanks for requesting a quote, we will respond within 24 hours.

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